




2016.9~2022.8 PhD in Management Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University 

2019.9~2020.9 Visiting Doctoral Student in Operations Management at Florida State University

2012.9~2015.6 MA in Management Science and Engineering at Tongji University

2008.9~2012.6 BS in Logistics Management at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics


Consumer Product Returns, Retail Operations, Consumer Purchase/Click Behavior, Service Provider Behavior


2022.8~2024.5, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2024.6~Present, Research Assistant, Advanced Institute of Business, Tongji University


Research Papers

  • Xiaojing Feng, Ying Rong, Xin Tian, Mengmeng Wang, Oliver Yao. (2024). The Dark Side of Live Social Interaction in E-commerce: An Analysis of Product Returns of Livestream Purchase. Production and Operations Management, online. (Corresponding author, alphabetical order)

  • Mengmeng Wang, Guangzhi Shang, Ying Rong, Michael R. Galbreth. (2024). Order Basket Contents and Consumer Returns. Decision Sciences, online.

  • Mengmeng Wang, Xun Zhang, Xiaolong Li. (2023). Product Assortment under Multiple-purchase Behavior. International Journal of Production Economics, 265, 109010.

  • Xiaojing Feng, Mengmeng Wang. (2023). Strategic driver’s acceptance-or-rejection behavior and cognitive hierarchy in on-demand platforms. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 176, 103175. (Corresponding author)

  • Mengmeng Wang, Xiaojing Feng. (2022). Price squeeze under fairness: the road to supply chain coordination with a powerful retailer. Journal of Management Analytics, 9(4), 448-479.

  • Xiaohui Liu, Xiaoyu He, Mengmeng Wang, Huizhang Shen. (2022). What influences patients' continuance intention to use AI-powered service robots at hospitals? The role of individual characteristics. Technology in Society, 70, 101996. (Corresponding author)

Working Papers

  • Mengmeng Wang, Guangzhi Shang, Ying Rong, Xiaojing Feng, Cheng Fang. (2023). Revisiting the Impact of Package Delivery Speed on Product Returns: Nonlinearity and Customer Heterogeneity. Major in Journal of Operations Management.

  • Mengmeng Wang, Qianchao Liu, Ying Rong, Xin Tian. (2023). The Effect of Mobile Payment Promotion on Store Performance. Major revision in Journal of Management Sciences in China (管理科学学报).

  • Zhenyu Ho, Ying Rong, Mengmeng Wang. Do taxi drivers really take a detour? An evidence from the taxi GPS records data. Working in progress.

Conference Presentations

  • The Dark Side of Live Social Interaction in E-commerce: An Analysis of Product Returns of Livestream Purchase.

    -The 2023 POMS International Conference in China, July 2023, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China;

    -The Fifteenth Annual International Conference of Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE), July 2023, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China;

    -The 2022 POMS International Conference in China, June 2022, Xian, Shanxi, China.

  • Do taxi drivers really take a detour? An evidence from the taxi GPS records data.

    -The 2022 POMS International Conference in China, June 2022, Xian, Shanxi, China.

  • The Effect of Mobile Payment Promotion on Store Performance.

    -INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct 2019, Seattle, Washington, USA;

    -POMS 30th Annual Conference, May 2019, Washington DC, USA;

    -POMS 29th Annual Conference, May 2018, Houston, Texas, USA.


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