

Under What Conditions is Equity Joint Venture the Optimal Mode for Foreign Market Entry? Differential Effects of Appropriation Hazards and Measurement Costs


讲者:池太岚教授 (美国威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校)

时间:2024626日(周三) 10

地点:   同济大厦A402教室


The international business literature based on transaction cost economics (TCE) provides two divergent sets of conditions for an equity joint venture (EJV) to be the optimal mode of foreign market entry. One specification is that, as a “hybrid” organizational form, the EJV mode tends to be optimal when the level of transaction costs is intermediate (Oxley, 1997; Williamson, 1999), and the other specification is that two exchange partners both face high transaction costs in purchasing the services of the other’s assets and in acquiring the other’s assets (Hennart, 1988). We argue that the two divergent specifications have resulted from scholars focusing on two different types of transaction costs – measurement costs and appropriation hazards. By explicating the differential effects of these two types of transaction costs on the choice among contracting, acquisition and EJV, this study reconciles the two seemingly divergent TCE views and provides a more precise analysis of entry mode choice in general and the conditions for EJV to be the optimal mode in particular.


Dr. Chi, the esteemed Richard C. Notebaert Distinguished Professor of International Business & Global Studies at the University of Wisconsin, has garnered recognition for his incisive analysis of organizational and strategic decisions within the realm of international business. His research delves into how firms navigate organizational challenges and strategic alternatives in an environment where information imperfections and potential cognitive limitations are ever-present. Dr. Chi has pioneered the integration of resource-based views into a property rights framework, offering a unique perspective on alternative organizational forms that facilitate the pooling of complementary assets from diverse firms. His contributions to the application of real options theory in international business and strategy research have been significant.

Recognized as a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, Dr. Chi also holds the position of Area Editor at the Journal of International Business Studies. He serves on the editorial boards of several prestigious journals, including the Academy of Management Review, Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of World Business, and Strategic Management Journal, reflecting his broad influence and impact in the field of international business.


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