WORKSHOP | Business in the Digital Era: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective


Business in the Digital Era: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective




1.   Date and Time

11:30am-3:00pm (Shanghai Time), 2:30pm—6:00pm (Sydney Time) November, 17th, 2021


2.   Where

Via Zoom

ID: 832 6478 6296

Tongji SEM Onsite: Tongji Building A (onsite limited seats available to Tongji SEM faculty and students)


3.   Format

Paper presentations followed by Q&A




The workshop is the inaugural University of Sydney Business School and Tongji University School of Economics and Management Junior Faculty Research Workshop: Business in the Digital Era: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective.


With a view toward deepening our research relationship, this workshop will showcase exciting projects undertaken by Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from both the University of Sydney Business School and the Tongji University School of Economics and Management. This research workshop will contribute towards a mutual understanding of the research interests and capabilities of both schools, and pave the way for the cross-fertilisation of research ideas and collaborative partnerships in the years to come.


The workshop will be divided into three sessions with the following themes:

•       Session 1: Contemporary Practices in Digital Marketing

•       Session 2: Emerging Work Environments and Digital Business Models

•       Session 3: Machine Learning and Social Media Analysis






Rohan Miller is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at The University of Sydney Business School. He obtained his PhD in Marketing from the University of Western Australia. His research interests span a wide array of topics including urban animal management (dog parks), healthy food, alcohol consumption and the night economy, reducing and disposing of waste, the media as an industry and as means of influencing behaviour, and gambling and gaming. He has published in numerous journals including the Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Business Ethics.


Steven Lu is an Associate Professor in Marketing and Co-Director of the Consumer Insights Research Group at The University of Sydney Business School. He obtained his PhD in Marketing from the University of Toronto, and MA in Economics from York University. His general research interests are in marketing analytics. Particularly, his research is focused on using marketing analytical approaches (e.g., big data analytics and machine learning) to investigate major opportunities and challenges in the digital economy such as the impact of digital retailing, search engine advertising, social media, and technological innovation. He has published in several internationally acclaimed journals such as Marketing Science, Statistical Science, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Interactive Marketing, International Journal of Production Research, and Customer Needs and Solutions. He has served on the editorial board of Marketing Science.


Evelyn Ng is a PhD student in the Discipline of Business Information Systems of The University of Sydney Business School. Her thesis is on the competitive strategies of fintech platforms and the development of fintech ecosystems. Her other research interests include enterprise social media, digital platforms and ecosystems, and Chinese IT management. Evelyn’s research has been published previously in Information and Management, the International Journal of Information Management, and the International Conference on Information Systems. She previously served as an associate editor for the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, and has reviewed for journals such as Information Systems Journal, Information and Management, and Information Technology and People.


Jie Yin is a Senior Lecturer at the Discipline of Business Analytics at the University of Sydney Business School. Jie obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and her Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Economics from Xi’an Jiaotong University.Jie Yin’s main research interests include data mining, machine learning, and their applications to text mining, social media mining, sensor data mining, network analysis, and decision support systems. Jie has published more than 60 research papers in top-tier international conferences (AAAI, IJCAI, CIKM, ICDM, PKDD/ECML, WWW, etc.) and journals (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, etc.). She has served as the AC/SPC of major conferences in her area including AAAI, IJCAI, KDD, NeuIPS, ICDM, etc. She was Co-Chair of the International Workshop on Social Web for Disaster Management (SWDM 2015, 2016 and 2018) and Guest Editor of Special Issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems on AI for Disaster Management and Resilience. She is currently an Assoicate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Big Data.




Jason Lu Jin is an Assistant Professor in the Advanced Institute of Business (AIB), Tongji University. He received his PhD from the University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on innovation management and inter-organizational relationship in emerging markets. His work has appeared in the Journal of International Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of Business Research.


Danyang Du is an Assistant Professor in the Advanced Institute of Business (AIB), Tongji University. She received her PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research interests include work stress, work engagement, and work-family interface. Her work has appeared in Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, and Journal of Organizational Behavior


Yuanchen Li is an Assistant Professor in the Advanced Institute of Business (AIB), Tongji University. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University. His research interests include negotiation games, nonprofit operations, and healthcare management. His work has appeared in Management Science and Production and Operations Management. 



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