谢 恩

办公电话: +86-21-65981937




       2000 – 2004, 西安交通大学,管理学院技术经济及管理系,博士
       1997 – 2000, 合肥工业大学,材料科学与工程系,硕士
       1993 – 1997, 合肥工业大学,材料科学与工程系,学士






       2017/7- 至今,同济大学,经济与管理学院教授,管理高等研究院副院长
       2014/07 – 2017/6,西安交通大学,管理学院,教授
       2011/07 – 2014/07,西安交通大学,管理学院,腾飞人才计划特聘教授
       2008/09 – 2011/07,西安交通大学,管理学院,副教授
       2004/09 – 2008/09,西安交通大学,管理学院,讲师
       2011/1-2017/6 西安交通大学管理学院副院长



       2012.3 ~ 2012.5 麻省理工斯隆管理学院,高级访问学者(International Faculty Fellow)
       2013.2 ~ 2013.5 香港大学商学院,资深研究员(Senior research assistant)
       2014.9 ~ 2015.9 美国南加州大学马歇尔商学院访问学者



  1. Xie, E., Reddy, K.S., & Liang, J. (2017). Country-specific determinants of cross-border mergers and acquisitions: A comprehensive review and future research directions. Journal of World Business, 52(2), 127-183. [SSCI, 2015 Impact Factor 2.811/3.729].

  2. Reddy, K.S., & Xie, E.* (2017). Cross-border mergers and acquisitions by oil and gas multinational enterprises: Geography-based view of energy strategy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 961-980. [SCIE, 2015 Impact Factor 6.798/7.896].

  3. Huang, Y., Xie, E*., Li, Y., & K.S. Reddy. 2016. Does State Ownership Facilitate Outward FDI of Chinese SOEs? Institutional Development, Market Competition, and the logic of interdependence between Government and SOEs. International Business Review. 26(1): 176-188

  4. Reddy, K.S., Xie, E., & Huang, Y. (2016). Cross-border acquisitions by state-owned and private enterprises: A perspective from emerging economies. Journal of Policy Modeling, 38(6), 1147-1170.

  5. Xie, E., Huang, Y., K.S. Reddy, and Yu Li. 2016. Performance Implications of Ties to Large-scale State-owned Enterprise and Banks in An Emerging Economy. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Online.

  6. Xie, E., Huang, Y., Peng, M., & Zhuang 2016. Resources, Aspirations, and Emerging Multinationals. 2016. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 23(2): 141-161.

  7. Xie, E., Liang, J., & KZ Zhou. 2016. How to enhance supplier performance in China: An integrative view of partner selection and partner control. Industrial Marketing Management, 56: 156-166.

  8. Stevens CE, Xie, E. Peng, MW. 2016. Toward a legitimacy-based view of political risk: The case of Google and Yahoo in China. Strategic Management Journal, 37(5): 945-963. 

  9. Su, Z., Peng, M., & Xie, E. 2016. A Strategy tripod perspective on knowledge creation capability. British Journal of Management. 27(1): 58-76.

  10. Reddy, K.S., Xie, E., & Huang, Y. 2016. The causes and consequences of delayed/abandoned cross-border merger & acquisition transactions: A cross-case analysis in the dynamic industries. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 29(6), 917-962.

  11. Lebedev, S.; Peng, M., Xie, E*., & Stevens. 2015. Mergers and acquisitions in and out of emerging economies. Journal of World Business, 50(4): 6521-662;

  12. Gao, G.; Xie, E.; Zhou, K. 2015.How does technological diversity in supplier network drive buyer innovation? Relational process and contingencies.Journal of Operations Management, 36: 165-177.

  13. Zhou, K.; Zhang, Q.; Sheng, S., Xie, E*., & Bao, K. 2014. Are relational ties always good for knowledge acquisition? Buyer-supplier exchanges in China. Journal of Operations Management, 2014, 32(3): 88-98

  14. Su, Z., Xie, E., Liu, H., and Sun W. 2013. Profiting from product innovation: the impact of legal, marketing, and technological capabilities in different environmental conditions. Marketing Letters. 24(3): 261-276.

  15. Xie, E., Peng, M., & Zhao, W., 2013. Uncertainties, resources, and supplier selection in an emerging economy, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, (30):4, 1219-1242.

  16. Su, Z., Xie, E., Li, Y. 2011. Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in new ventures and established Firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 49(4): 558-577.

  17. Su, Z., Xie, E., Wang, D., Li, Y. 2011. Entrepreneurial strategy making, resources, and firm performance: evidence from China. Small Business Economics, 36(2): 235-247.

  18. Li, Y., Xie, E.*, Teo, H., Peng, M.W. 2010. Formal control and social control in domestic and international buyer-supplier relationships, Journal of Operations Management, 28: 333–344.

  19. Xie, E*, Li, Y., Su, Z., Teo, H. 2010. The determinants of local suppliers trust towards foreign buyers: evidence from Sino-Foreign cooperation, Management International Review, 5: 585–611

  20. Peng, M. *, Li, Y., Xie, E., Su. Z., 2010. CEO duality, organizational slack, and firm performance in China, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27(4): 611-624.

  21. Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance in New Ventures and Established Firms, Journal of Small Business Management, Su, Z. , Xie, E. Wang, D., 2015 (53):1: 228-248

  22. Su Z., Xie E. *, Wang D., Li Y., 2010. Impacts of environmental uncertainty and firm’s capabilities on R&D investment: evidence from China, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 12(3): 269-282.

  23. Su, Z. *, Xie E., Li, Y., 2009. Organizational slack and firm performance during institutional transitions, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26, 75-91.

  24. Tan, C., Teo H., Xie, E*., Li, Y. 2009. Designing sniping agents. Annals of Operations Research, 2009, 168, 291-305

  25. Xie*, E., Teo, H., Wan, W., 2006. Volunteering Personal Information on the Internet: Effects of Reputation, Privacy Notice, and Reward, Marketing Letters, (17), 61-74


  1. Performance Feedback and Firms’ Frequency of R&D investment: A Comparison between SOEs and POEs. Xin Chen, En Xie, & Lulu Cheng. 2016. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Anaheim, U.S.

  2. (The paper was awarded as the Best Accepted Paper in the OMT department)

  3. Exploratory partner selection: the role of inertia and market Uncertainty. Xie, E., Liang, J., 2013. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Orlando, U.S.

  4. Performance feedbacks, munificence, and multinational expansion of emerging-market firms. Huang Y. Zhuang, G., Xie, E., 2013, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Orlando, U.S.

  5. Effective supplier-network governance: supplier selection strategies and control mechanisms, Xie, En, Li, Yuan, 2008, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Anaheim, U.S.A.

  6. Contractual and relational governance mechanisms in China, Xie, En, Prahinski, C., Li, Yuan, Teo, H., 2008, 19th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), May, La Jolla, U.S.

  7. The determinants of inter-firm trust in Sino-Foreign cooperation, Xie, En, Li, Yuan, Teo, Hock-Hai, 2006, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Atlanta, U.S.


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