谢 恩

办公电话: +86-21-65981937



  • 2000 – 2004, 西安交通大学,管理学院技术经济及管理系,博士

  • 1997 – 2000, 合肥工业大学,材料科学与工程系,硕士

  • 1993 – 1997, 合肥工业大学,材料科学与工程系,学士 


  • 2017/7- 至今,同济大学,经济与管理学院教授,管理高等研究院副院长

  • 2014/07 – 2017/6,西安交通大学,管理学院,教授

  • 2011/07 – 2014/07,西安交通大学,管理学院,腾飞人才计划特聘教授

  • 2008/09 – 2011/07,西安交通大学,管理学院,副教授

  • 2004/09 – 2008/09,西安交通大学,管理学院,讲师

  • 2011/1-2017/6 西安交通大学管理学院副院长 


  1. 创新方法在创新型城市的推广应用和示范,科技部创新方法工作专项,主持人:谢恩,2019.12.1~2021.11.30

  2. 科技领军企业界定评价和培育策略,中国科学学与科技政策研究会横向项目主持人:谢恩

  3. 中国企业国际化与制度演进的机理与策略研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,主持人:谢恩,2019.1-2023.12 


1      Xie, E., Fang, J., Chen, X., Wu, D., Kumar, V. Performance feedback on sales growth goal and OFDI location choices for firms in emerging economies. Journal of World Business, Forthcoming.

2     Bi, J., Xie, E.*, & Sheng, S. 2021. Ties Strength Dispersion and Alliance Portfolio Performance: The Moderating Effects of CEOs’ Political and International Experience. British Journal of Management, Online.

3     Cheng, L., Xie, E., Fang, J., & Mei, N. 2022. Performance feedback and firms’ relative strategic emphasis: The moderating effects of board independence and media coverage. Journal of Business Research, 139: 218-231.

4     Yuanyuan Huang, En Xie, Zhan WU. (2021) Portfolio characteristics of outward foreign direct investment and dynamic performance of emerging economy firms: An option portfolio perspective, International Business Review, Volume 30, Issue 4.

5     Wei, H., Xie, E.*, & Gao, J. 2021. R&D Investment and Debt Financing of High-Tech Firms in Emerging Economies: The Role of Patents and State Ownership. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Forthcoming.

6     Xin Chen, En Xie, Marc Van Essen. (2021) Performance feedback and firms' R&D frequency: a comparison between state-owned and private-owned enterprises in China, Asian Business & Management 20, pages 221-258.

7     Li, Peter Ping; Xie, En “The unique research on the informal ties and social networks in East Asia: Diverse perspectives and new research agenda” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2019

8     Xie, En; Yang, Zhi; Reddy, K. S. “Institutional environment and inter-firm collaborative relationships: an introductory perspective and ideas for future research”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2019

9     Yang, Zhi; Jiang, Yueyin; Xie, En, “Buyer-supplier relational strength and buying firm's marketing capability: An outside-in perspective”, Industrial Marketing Management, 2019

10   Xie, En; Huang, Yuanyuan; Stevens, Charles E.; Lebedev, Sergey, “Performance feedback and outward foreign direct investment by emerging economy firms”, Journal of World Business. 2019.

11   Wang, Qingliang; Miao, Fred; Tayi, Giri Kumar; Xie, En, “What makes online content viral? The contingent effects of hub users versus non-hub users on social media platforms”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2019.

12   En Xie; K.S. Redding; “State-owned enterprises in the contemporary global business scenario: introduction”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, (2018).

13   谢恩,傅宇,李垣。国际秩序演化下的中国企业全球化, 管理科学学报,2021

14   毕静煜, 谢恩*. 2021. 伙伴社会价值对企业突破性创新的影响研究. 科研管理, 42(1): 67-77.

15   毕静煜,谢恩*. 2021. 研发联盟组合关系特征与企业创新:伙伴地理多样性的调节作用. 管理评论, 33(10):103-114.

16   毕静煜,谢恩*,魏海笑. 2021. 联盟伙伴技术多样性对企业突破性创新产出的影响研究—研发联盟组合特征的调节作用. 研究与发展管理, 35(2): 41-52.

17   梁杰,谢恩,赵龙峰。企业与多类型伙伴间的重复合作对研发创新绩效的影响研究,科学学与科学技术管理,2020

18   梁杰,谢恩。研发联盟多伙伴关系断层对企业创新绩效的影响研究,软科学,2020

19   梁杰,谢恩,邵鹏。多类型伙伴研发合作对企业双元创新绩效影响的比较研究,中国科技论坛,2020

20   成璐璐,谢恩,李瑜。突发性市场萎缩条件下的企业业绩下降与恢复研究——基于CEO与董事会特征的调节作用,预测,2018


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