Topic: Daily driving commute stressors and transformational leader behaviors: From an ego depletion perspective
Date & Time: 9:30-11:00am, Mon. 26th, November 2018
Venue: Room 2101, Tongji Building A
Language: English
Speaker:Dr. Jingjing Ma (Michigan State University)
Short biography
Jingjing Ma is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Michigan State University. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology at Peking University. Her research interests center around the intersection of leadership, ethics, and work stress. She has published research papers on several outlets including Journal of Applied Psychology and Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Job Talk abstract
Recent research has shown that there is considerable within-person variance in these behaviors that cannot be explained by chronic individual differences. Unfortunately, we lack sufficient understanding of dynamic, transient factors that may impact daily leader behaviors. In this presentation, I will present a daily diary study drawing from ego depletion theory that investigated relations of leaders’ commute stressors and depletion with transformational leader behaviors. The study found that managers’ daily commute stressors were associated with increases in morning depletion. These increases in depletion were, in turn, associated with a lower likelihood of exhibiting transformational leader behaviors that day for managers who believe that willpower is a limited resource. However, these detrimental effects of depletion were avoided for managers who believe that willpower is not a limited resource. As time allows, I will also briefly discuss my other two primary lines of research.