【学术讲座】Executives’ Belief in Negotiable Fate and Its Functioning in Firm Innovation


Date & Time:15:00-16:30, October 30th, 2019

Venue: Room 2101, Tongji Building A

Language: English


张志学, 北京大学光华管理学院组织与战略管理系教授



Human beings develop some personal beliefs to cope with the changing environment. We argue that, facing great turbulence and uncertainty, many Chinese executives have developed a belief that fate imposes boundaries within which personal actions can shape outcomes. Labelled as negotiable fate, it enables Chinese executives effectively navigate dynamic and changing environments by acknowledging those aspects that are uncontrollable. In this talk, how negotiable fate is conceptualized and theorized will be discussed, and empirical evidence for its functioning in Chinese business operations and firm innovation will be provided and discussed.

Speaker’s Bio

张志学现任北京大学光华管理学院组织与战略管理系教授、行为科学研究中心主任。中国心理学会决策心理学专业委员会副主任。在香港大学获得社会心理学博士。曾任北京师范大学心理系讲师,香港理工大学研究员,美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院访问学者,美国伊里诺依大学Freeman访问学者和瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学访问教授。2009年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。任International Association for Chinese Management Research(中国管理研究国际学会)2018年学术大会主席,学会当选主席。

All the faculties and students are welcome to attend this lecture!


地址:上海市四平路1500号同济大厦A楼21楼 | 电话:021-6598 1341

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