Pandemic Attributes and Location Avoidance of Firm Acquisitions
Guest Speaker: Prof. Jun XIA (University of Texas at Dallas)
Time/Date: 2 pm Saturday 3rd, June 2023
Classroom: Room 2101, Tongji Building A
From a threat avoidance perspective, this study develops new dimensions of external threats to examine the influence of pandemic attributes on the location choice of firm investments within a country. We conceptualize that a pandemic like Covid-19 can be characterized by its pervasiveness, volatility, and rhythm in a region. Integrating the threat-response literature and research on natural disasters, we propose that these pandemic characteristics in a region have negative impacts on the choice of that location for firm acquisition activities. We identify three corresponding mechanisms, pandemic spatial exposure, unpredictability, and constant exposure, to explain the relationships. Using a sample of U.S. public firms during the COVID-19 pandemic period, we found evidence supporting our predictions.
Jun Xia, PhD
Professor, Organizations, Strategy and International Management
Current / Recent Research
² Organization theories (resource dependence, power and institutional process)
² Corporate strategies (antecedents of mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures)
² Social networks (outcomes of embeddedness)
² International business (foreign market expansion, state ownership)