1 国际期刊论文发表
1.1 Wang, Qingliang; Miao, Fred; Tayi, Giri Kumar; Xie, En (谢恩), “What makes online content viral? The contingent effects of hub users versus non-hub users on social media platforms”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2019.
1.2 Jin, Jason Lu (金露); Shu, Chengli; Zhou, Kevin Zheng “Product newness and product performance in new ventures: Contingent roles of market knowledge breadth and tacitness”, Industrial Marketing Management, 2019
1.3 Liang, Jian (梁建) *; Shu, Rui; Farh, Crystal I. C, “Differential implications of team member promotive and prohibitive voice on innovation performance in research and development project teams: A dialectic perspective”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2019.
1.4 Xie, En (谢恩); Huang, Yuanyuan; Stevens, Charles E.; Lebedev, Sergey, “Performance feedback and outward foreign direct investment by emerging economy firms”, Journal of World Business. 2019.
1.5 Wang, Liwen; Jin, Jason Lu (金露)*; Zhou, Kevin Zheng, “Institutional forces and customer participation in new product development: A Yin-Yang perspective”, Industrial Marketing Management, 2019
1.6 Bao, Fenghua; Zhao, Yapu; Tian, Longwei; Li, Yuan (李垣), “From Financial Misdemeanants to Recidivists: The Perspective of Social Networks”. Management and Organization Review. 2019.
1.7 Wang, Haifeng; Tian, Longwei; Li, Yuan (李垣)*, “A tale of two cultures: Social networks and competitive advantage”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2019
1.8 Wang, Liwen; Jin, Jason Lu (金露)*; Banister, David, “Resources, state ownership and innovation capability: Evidence from Chinese automakers”, Creativity and Innovation Management, 2019
1.9 Yang, Zhi; Jiang, Yueyin; Xie, En (谢恩), “Buyer-supplier relational strength and buying firm's marketing capability: An outside-in perspective”, Industrial Marketing Management, 2019
1.10 Yang, Qian; Liu, Yi; Li, Yuan (李垣)“How do an alliance firm's strategic orientations drive its knowledge acquisition? Evidence from Sino-foreign alliance partnership”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2019
1.11 Pang, Changwei; Wang, Qiong; Li, Yuan (李垣); Duan, Guang, “Integrative capability, business model innovation and performance: Contingent effect of business strategy”, European Journal of Innovation Management”, 2019
1.12 Liu, Yi; Xue, Jiaqi; Li, Yuan (李垣) “Transaction-specific investments in a supplier-distributor-supplier triad in China: opportunism and cooperation”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2019
1.13 Li, Peter Ping; Xie, En “The unique research on the informal ties and social networks in East Asia: Diverse perspectives and new research agenda” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2019
1.14 Xie, En; Yang, Zhi; Reddy, K. S. “Institutional environment and inter-firm collaborative relationships: an introductory perspective and ideas for future research”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2019
2 中文期刊论文发表
2.1 李垣、魏泽龙,“中国企业创新40年” 《科研管理》卷:40期:6月:1-8,2019
2.2 成璐璐、谢恩、李瑜, “突发性市场萎缩条件下的企业业绩下降与恢复研究——基于CEO与董事会特征的调节作用”,《预测》2018年06期 v.37; No.225 17-24页