WORKSHOP | 李文东:OB研究中变化相关问题的理论与方法


It’s About Time: Theories and Methods to Study Change-Related Issues in OB Research

Session I: [9-12] Monday 21st, June 2021 at Zoom (ID:894 485 86359 / Psw: 817043)

Session II: [9-12] Tuesday 22nd, June 2021 at Zoom (ID: 853 820 97932 / Psw: 567817)

Guest Speaker: Prof. Wen-Dong Li (CUHK)


Although scholars have repeatedly called for more longitudinal research to investigate changes and dynamics of important constructs and phenomena in OB research, longitudinal research adopting a dynamic and temporal perspective to change-related issues have still been a minority in the field. In this two-half-day workshop, I will talk about theories and methods that are typically adopted in OB research to study change-related issues. Specific methods may include growth curve modeling, cross-lagged analyses, and latent change-score modeling. It is strongly encouraged that participants have some basic knowledge about how to use Mplus in data analyses. I will provide some hands-on exercises in the workshop for participants. I hope this talk will stimulate more research interests in tackling change-related issues and dynamics in the audience.

Guest Bio:

Wen-Dong Li (Ph.D., National University of Singapore) is currently an associate professor at the Department of Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining CUHK, he worked as an assistant professor at Kansas State University. His research interests focus on leadership development, proactivity, work design, individual differences, and recently change-related issues in organizational research.


His research has won several awards including the Hogan Award for Personality and Work Performance from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and International HRM Scholarly Achievement Award from the Human Resources Division, Academy of Management. His work has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, and the Leadership Quarterly, and has also been covered in media outlets such as the Economist, USA Today, the Telegraph, and the Washington Post and the South China Morning Post. He is an editorial board member for Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Journal of Organizational Behavior, and an incoming senior editor for Management and Organization Review.


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