

  邮箱: ddu@tongji.edu.cn



  • Ph.D.     Erasmus University Rotterdam, Organizational Psychology (2014-2018)

  • M.A.      Peking University, Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2011-2014)

  • B.S.      Jilin University, Psychology (2007-2011)


  • 2018 – present, Assistant Professor at Advanced Institute of Business, Tongji University 


PUBLICATIONS (Chronological, alphabetical)

Huai, M., Du, D., & Chen, M. (in press). An ounce of prevention goes a long way: Organizational COVID-19 prevention measures and employee work behaviors. Current Psychology.  

Liang, J., Chen, H., Du, D., & He, X. (in press). Crafting Personal territory in a political world: A human agency  approach to organizational politics. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.  

Du, D., Wu, Z., & Lu, C. (2023). In what stressful context does self-efficacy promote job performance? The roles of  challenge–hindrance stressors. International Journal of Stress Management, 30, 27–37. 

Huai, M., Du, D., Chen, M., & Liang, J. (2023). Divided when crisis comes: How perceived self–partner disagreements  over COVID-19 prevention measures relate to employee work outcomes at home. Current Psychology, 42,  8666–8679. 

Xu, X., Du, D., Johnson, R. E., & Lu, C. (2022). Justice change matters: Approach and avoidance mechanisms  underlying the regulation of justice over time. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107, 1070–1093. 

Du, D., Bakker, A. B., & Derks, D. (2020). Capitalization on positive family events and task performance: A perspective  from the work-home resources model. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 25, 357–367. 

Bakker, A. B., Du, D., & Derks, D. (2019). Major life events in family life, work engagement, and performance: A test of  the work-home resources model. International Journal of Stress Management, 26, 238-249. 

Du, D., Derks, D., Bakker, A. B. & Lu, C. (2018). Does homesickness undermine the potential of job resources? A  perspective from the work–home resources model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 96-112. 

Du, D., Derks, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2018). Daily spillover from family to work: A test of the work–home resources  model. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23, 237-247. 

Lu, C., Du, D., Xu, X., & Zhang, R. (2017). Revisiting the relationship between job demands and job performance: The  effects of job security and traditionality. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90, 28-50.  

Lu, C., Du, D., & Xu, X. (2016). What differentiates employees' job performance under stressful situations: The Role of  general self-efficacy. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 150, 837-848. 

Lu, C., Sun, J., & Du, D. (2016). The Relationships between employability and emotional exhaustion, turnover intention:  The moderation of perceived career opportunity. Journal of Career Development, 43, 37-51. 

Lu, C., Lu, J., Du, D., & Brough, P. (2016). The crossover effects of work-family conflict among Chinese couples: The  role of family identity salience. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31, 235-250. 

Lu, C., Wang, B., Siu, O., Lu, L., & Du, D. (2015). Work-home interference and work values in Greater China. Journal  of Managerial Psychology, 30, 801-814. 

Lu, C., Wang, H., Lu, J., Du, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2014). Does work engagement increase person-job fit? The role of job  crafting and job insecurity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84, 142-152.


  • Du, D., Bakker, A. B., & Derks, D. Rumination and relaxation during daily work life: A test of the work-home resources  model among PhD candidates. R&R in International Journal of Stress Management. 

  • Li, Y., Du, D., & Huo, W. Platform workers perceived algorithm control and relational crafting: A perspective of  proactive behavior. R&R in Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 

  • Huai, M., Mitchell, M. S., Du, D., Chen, M., Liu, D., & Little, L. M. Cheating to look better? Image management in the  face of the threat of high performers’ nonwork activities at work 

  • Du, D., Bakker, A. B., & Derks, D. Positive events at home and positive behaviors at work: A test of the work-home  resources model. 

  • Du, D., Lu, C., & Xu, X. Job insecurity and its outcomes: The joint roles of justice and self-uncertainty


Li, Y., Du, D., & Huo, W. (2022). Platform workers perceived algorithm control and relational crafting: A perspective of  proactive behavior. Online presentation at Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) Conference, Lanzhou. 

Du, D., Lu, C., & Xu, X. (2019). Job insecurity and its outcomes: The joint roles of justice and self-uncertainty. Presentation at Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Boston. 

Du, D., Derks, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2019). Introducing a process view of the work-home interface: A series of tests of  the Work-Home Resources (W-HR) Model. Symposium presentation at European Association for Work & Organizational  Psychology (EAWOP) Congress, Turin. 

Du, D., Derks, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2017). The link between positive family events and work behaviors: A test of the  work-home resources model. Symposium presentation at European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology  (EAWOP) Congress, Dublin. 

Du, D., Derks, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2016). Daily spillover from family to work: A test of the work–home resources  model. Presentation at Conference of the Dutch Association for Work and Organizational Psychology Researchers (WAOP), Rotterdam. 

Du, D., & Lu, C. (2015). Does job insecurity always lead to employees' absence and turnover? Overall organizational  justice as a moderator. Presentation at European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology Congress (EAWOP), Oslo. 

Du, D., & Lu, C. (2014). Job insecurity and organizational citizen behavior, counterproductive work behavior: The  moderating role of overall justice and perceived insider status. Presentation at International Association for Chinese  Management Research (IACMR) Conference, Beijing. 

Du, D., & Lu, C. (2014). Challenge-hindrance stressors and performance: The moderation of self-efficacy. Poster  presented at Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Hawaii.


  • 2021.01-2023.12 Shanghai Chenguang Program, Principal Investigator 

    Project name: Towards a relational energy view of work-family interactions and work engagement 

  • 2020.01-2022.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China, Young Scientists Fund, Principal Investigator

    Project name: How family relations influence work engagement: Mechanisms and coping strategies

  • 2019.11-2021.10 Shanghai Pujiang Program, Principal Investigator

    Project name: Improving employee engagement: From a work-family interaction perspective



  • 2022.09-2022.12 Organizational Behavior Seminar, Tongji University, Undergraduate course, Lecturer 

  • 2021.03-2021.06 2020.03-2020.06 2019.03-2019.06 Organizational Behavior Seminar, Tongji University, Graduate course, Lecturer 

  • 2016.11 Child and Family Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Graduate course, Guest Lecturer 

  • 2012.02-2012.06 Career Development Psychology, Peking University, Undergraduate course, Teaching Assistant


  • Applied Psychology: An international Review

  • Career Development International

  • Current Psychology

  • European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

  • Journal of Business Research

  • Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

  • Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

  • Journal of Personnel Psycholog


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